How to Write a Book in 90 Days

Sipping Tea and Doing BusinessWriting a book in 90 days may seem like a daunting and arduous task. How, you might ask, does one write a book in 90 days? Although the goal itself may seem massive it is quite doable. In actuality it is a very realistic goal if you have the right attitude, tools and a good plan.

 When my co-author and I wrote our book, Sipping Tea and Doing Business: A Holistic Journey to Business Success, it was not our original intent to write a book in 3-months, but once we got started and thought about our vision for when we wanted to have the book ready, we set about the task of getting it done.

I’ll admit it was a labor- intensive three months, but we did it and we did it using the process I’ll share below.

The Process



The first thing we did was to get a vision, which was to write a book to help entrepreneurs answer some of the most commonly asked questions about starting a business. Our mission was to simplify things for future entrepreneurs by writing a simple business guide that shared information and insight on starting and maintaining a business. We wanted to do it in a way that wasn’t intimidating and overwhelming, hence the title of the book.



The second thing we did was to get a plan. We needed a concrete strategy for getting this book written. The idea for our book had come a few months back. We had the concept and conducted some research, but then the process stopped.

When we were ready to pick the project back up we knew we needed a tool to keep us accountable, on task, and one that would allow us to see our project through. That’s where our action plan really came into play.


We knew it wasn’t enough to just want to finish the book. There were a lot of steps involved, which included: writing the book, having the book published, getting ISBN numbers, researching and more!

If we were to make this happen we needed to understand every step of the process for writing a book and if we were to have the book completed on schedule, we had to develop and work by specific time frames. We also had to make one another accountable. We went about creating our plan of action which included breaking down each step for writing our book. Once we understood the steps we then assigned each other tasks and set deadlines for each one. .

 “I’ve always wanted to write a book.”


“I’ve always wanted to write a book” is a comment I hear often when people find out I’m a published author, but the only difference between that statement and my experience is that I went through the process to write my book. In other words I took action on my goal. That’s the only difference between what you want and what you have.

Instead of sitting around thinking about writing a book we went about the task of doing it. We were successful because we had a plan of action. Without it we could have easily stopped the process and let a lot of time go by along with the passion we had for writing our book. Or worse, we could be sitting around, years later, looking at old notes wondering why we didn’t accomplish our goal of writing the book.


Thankfully, neither of those scenarios are ours. Maybe writing a book seems like an arduous task. It could have been. But instead of making it the elephant in the room that we couldn’t eat, we broke the process into bit sized tasks and went about the job of accomplishing our goal with the help of a simple tool called an action plan.

If there’s something you’re trying to get accomplished, you have to set your mind and a goal to make it happen. An action plan is a great tool for getting the results you want. Ready to accomplish a big goal?

Learn more about our 90 DAY BUSINESS CHALLENGE!

Need action plan coaching? Let’s Get Started

Want a copy of the book, Sipping Tea and Doing Business?


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Biz Practitioner

Sheronde Glover is a speaker and strategist and the CEO of The Business Practitioner. Sheronde helps organizations, leaders, and teams re-energize with purpose, passion, and action using the ACE (Aim. Change. Excel) framework. Ready to ACE it? Contact us at 678-250-4192.

