6 Reasons Entrepreneurs Should Read More

readmoreThere are so many things a business owner should do when it comes to building a business that reading is probably the furthest from one’s mind. But as an avid reader and a strong proponent for continuous learning and growth, I think all entrepreneurs should read more.

At a networking meeting some time ago, the discussion of recommended reading came up. A businesswoman in attendance made the statement that she didn’t have time to read. Nonsense! I thought. How on earth could she say that? There is so much to learn as a business owner and a book can be a really simple and inexpensive way to lessen the learning curve.

If you’re a busy business owner (and who isn’t) you’re probably thinking you really don’t have the time, either. But consider the amount of time spent waiting at appointments, in airports or on an airplane, or the time spent on social media for that matter. Keeping a good book in the back of your car or in your briefcase is always a good idea. You’d be amazed at how easy it is to read three or four pages here and there.

There are some really great books out there that can help you in your business. I’m not going to give you a list of what I think you should be reading. Instead, I want to give you 6 reasons to make my case for why you should be reading in the first place:

1. Books Can Serve As Mentors

One of the principles you hear over and over again in business is to have a mentor and to surround yourself with successful people. Sometimes that’s easier said than done. While many people are thrilled with the idea of becoming a mentor to you, they don’t always have the time to do so. What can you do if there is someone you really admire who isn’t currently available to you? Find out if they have a book, and if so, read it! You can learn numerous  life and professional lessons from those that have done what you want to do, have gone where you want to go, and have succeeded in the things you’re working towards.

2. Books Are Great Instructors

Do you want to start a bookkeeping business, a day care or consulting business? Go get a book. You can find a book about anything and everything you want to do, from learning how to play the piano, to starting your first business. While you’re waiting for that class, you can jump start your education by grabbing a book.

3. Books Make Great Breaks

Are you a workaholic — one of those people that feels really guilty when you stop to take a break? I understand, but it’s important that we take time to refresh and recharge each day. You can take a break and dismiss the guilty feelings by reading a book. Break up the monotony: Grab a book, read a few chapters, get inspired, gain information, and be productive all at the same time.

4. Books Are Great Distractions

I love reading and I love reading for leisure as much as I love reading for knowledge. We all need diversions from time to time. Reading, whether for business or leisure is a beneficial activity. And even though some may find it almost obsolete in the age of technology, I still consider the library an invaluable resource and one of my favorite places.

5. Books Provide Credibility

If you’re an author, like myself you understand this on another level. However, being well-read builds your knowledge, gives you new perspective and is exercise for the mind. It can also help you define yourself as an expert.

6. Books Provide Insight

When you consider the types of books people read, it can help share a little insight into who they are, what they like, and what appeals to them. Don’t be surprised if you’re at a networking function or talking to someone you admire and they ask you, “What are you currently reading?” Not only is this a great conversation starter, but it’s a great way to really get to know someone on a completely different level.

Books are wonderful tools and resources that give you an in-depth and broader look into topics, issues, business, concepts and ideas.  They are wonderful gems that should be a regular part of your ongoing business routine.

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Biz Practitioner

Sheronde Glover is a speaker and strategist and the CEO of The Business Practitioner. Sheronde helps organizations, leaders, and teams re-energize with purpose, passion, and action using the ACE (Aim. Change. Excel) framework. Ready to ACE it? Contact us at 678-250-4192.

