What’s Weighing You Down?

What's Weighing You Down?I was outside recently doing a bit of yard work (a fleeting moment for sure) when I took notice of a tree in my front yard. The tree’s limbs were hanging very close to the ground and it was weighing the tree down. Ironically, I hadn’t noticed this previously.

I got my clippers out and began to cut the tree limbs. I found it fascinating to watch how the tree began to spring up after each limb that I cut as if a heavy burden had been lifted. When I finished cutting the tree it looked different — lighter, almost happier, which got me to thinking. In life (and business) there are many things that can weigh us down, mentally, physically and emotionally. In the book, The 5 Levels of Attachments, author don Miguel Ruiz Jr. speaks of how we can become so overly attached to things that we don’t even recognize how much they may be impacting our lives.  Sometimes the weight of those things, like the tree limbs, can become too much, thus we have to learn to let go, even when those things belong to us.

What Weighs Us Down?

Tangible Stuff- As a society and a culture we get really attached to things —-new things, old things and things in general. Before we know it we have more things than we know what to do with, many of which serve no real purpose to us.  Recently I decided I needed to get rid of some clutter around the house. I felt like I had been holding on to too much stuff. I was right. I had boxes of things that I didn’t need and wasn’t using.  If you’re like me and most others I know, you probably have a garage full of things; a closet full of things and drawers full of things.  Why? That was my question. Why do I have all of this stuff? It’s time to get rid of it!

People/Relationships – People and relationships can be tricky, but if the people in your life continually cause you stress, tension, and general discomfort and disharmony, you may need to let them go, whether its family, friends, co-workers or colleagues.  Does the thought of letting go of certain people and relationships sends you into a panic (even when you know you should)? Then maybe you’re not ready.  But trust me, there will come a time in your life when you recognize that it’s more powerful and beneficial to let go than to hold on to someone or something that is sucking up your energy and enthusiasm.

Beliefs – After reading the book, The 5 Level of Attachments, I came to understand how our beliefs and attachments to them can really weigh us down. In the book the author describes how we can create such an attachment to our definitions of who we are that we disassociate ourselves from everything else, which can keep us from experiencing life to its fullest. The way that we define ourselves, often through the beliefs we have of who we are ( e.g. Republican/ Democrat, Christian/Muslim/Jewish/Atheist, etc.,  Business Owner, Pro/Anti anything, you name it) can be a barrier that weighs us down. Interesting, right?

Behaviors – Talk about weighing us down, some of our behaviors are actually killing us, like the things that we do day-in and day-out that we know are not beneficial to us. Our own behavior can be the very thing that is weighing us down and keeping us from getting to where we’re trying to go.

As we move through life (and business), it’s important to take an opportunity to grow through both personal and professional development. We have to take the time to stop, reflect and then ask ourselves, are we carrying or holding on to things we need to let go of?  If so, it may be time to get out your figurative clippers.


If you’re looking to remove some blockage around the things that might be weighing you down, consider meditation. Try this Business Success meditation by Alicia Cramer.

If you like this audio, I highly recommend you take a look at Alicia’s The Business Success Course Hypnosis Audio Program by Alicia Cramer.

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Biz Practitioner

Sheronde Glover is a speaker and strategist and the CEO of The Business Practitioner. Sheronde helps organizations, leaders, and teams re-energize with purpose, passion, and action using the ACE (Aim. Change. Excel) framework. Ready to ACE it? Contact us at 678-250-4192.

