Why You Haven’t Written that Business Plan

You know you need it, but you haven’t done it. Why?

Ideas come a dime a dozen. There are tons of fabulous ideas that never get implemented or acted upon. The business plan makes your ideas concrete, realistic, and doable. It offers you a feasible, tangible composition of the what, how, where and when.

Yet, it doesn’t get done.
Here are some reasons why:

1. It’s Overwhelming – The mere thought of a business plan sends some people into panic. It just sounds too exhausting for many.  The vision is clear but the thought of documenting it is daunting at best. Writing your business plan doesn’t have to be difficult.


2.  I’m Already in Business – There are tons of business owners that are content with operating their business without a solid plan. The problem is there is no clear concept of where they’re going and when they will get there. Your business plan answers so many questions about how your business will look and grow. Operating by the seat of your pants only keeps everyone, including yourself guessing about the best strategies for success.


3. I Don’t Have the Time – Yet you have time to run a business. Hmmm . . .
Don’t procrastinate and wait to write your plan.You don’t want to find yourself scrambling when you really need it, per a bank or investor request for instance.


4. I Don’t Know How – Come on, stop it! You’re ready to run a business or you have one, but you can’t manage the plan. Think about what you’re saying. Let’s just do it already! There are lots of resources for assistance.


5. I Don’t Need One –  Every business should have a plan regardless of how big or small, even if it’s just one or a few pages describing your general plan of action for growth and development.


Now that we know the reasons you haven’t written your plan, let’s take the next step to write one. Take a look at this article on How to Write Your Business Plan Quickly.

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Biz Practitioner

Sheronde Glover is a speaker and strategist and the CEO of The Business Practitioner. Sheronde helps organizations, leaders, and teams re-energize with purpose, passion, and action using the ACE (Aim. Change. Excel) framework. Ready to ACE it? Contact us at 678-250-4192.

