Four Basic Email Marketing Tips

Email marketing is still a great tool, especially when it comes to B2B and service oriented businesses, most rating email marketing as still a favorite and effective way to boost lead generation and sales. But there are definite challenges when it comes to getting the most out of your email marketing campaign: The spam box, deletion, unsubscribes . . .

So how do you boost your efforts?


  1. Build a solid database using opt-in methods – You’ll get better results if those receiving your emails have opted into your mailings, signifying they do indeed want to hear from you. Make sure you offer an opt-in method on your website and that it’s above the fold so that visitors can see and access it readily. People already get too much email so give them a good reason to opt-in.
  2. Provide great content – You’ll keep your subscribers if you offer something people want to know and certainly if you share information that is not readily available and accessible. One reason individuals opt-out is the information is no longer relevant to them. Keep this in mind when you write your content, making sure it’s fresh, interesting and appeals to your audience.
  3. Balance the production schedule – There’s a careful balance between too much and not enough. You want to stay relevant and at the forefront of prospects and clients mind, but overdoing it is another reason individuals opt-out. Too much email can become annoying and bothersome. If you’re seeing a significant increase in your unsubscribe rates, take a look at how often your email is going out.
  4. Create a compelling subject line – Subject lines are powerful triggers and can make the difference between your email getting read or not. How appealing your subject line is depends on how well it resonates with the potential reader. Think about your prospects and clients. What’s on their minds? How can you help address their concerns? Make it compelling. Regardless of how often you send emails or how good the content, if it’s not getting read then it really doesn’t matter.
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Biz Practitioner

Sheronde Glover is a speaker and strategist and the CEO of The Business Practitioner. Sheronde helps organizations, leaders, and teams re-energize with purpose, passion, and action using the ACE (Aim. Change. Excel) framework. Ready to ACE it? Contact us at 678-250-4192.

